Fortress of the Stone Dragon
32.61 €
Не все волшебники, освобожденные из ловушки времени Малдреда, были хорошими. Один из них, Астрид, планирует создать заклинание, которое оживит кости, разбросанные по Крепости Каменного Дракона, кости, принадлежавшие существам, привосходящим в разерах даже драконов. А когда друзья Дрейка обратятся в камень, ему придется найти способ спасти их, включая его собственного дракона Червя.
язык издания: Английский
Not all of the wizards who were freed from Maldred's time-trap were good wizards; one of them, Astrid, is planning on working a spell that will bring to life the bones that lie scattered in the Fortress of the Stone Dragon, bones that belonged to creatures much bigger than dragons - and when his friends are turned to stone it is up to Drake to find a way to save them, including his own dragon, Worm.
язык издания: Английский
Not all of the wizards who were freed from Maldred's time-trap were good wizards; one of them, Astrid, is planning on working a spell that will bring to life the bones that lie scattered in the Fortress of the Stone Dragon, bones that belonged to creatures much bigger than dragons - and when his friends are turned to stone it is up to Drake to find a way to save them, including his own dragon, Worm.